Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Leaf Collection

Loose leaf pick up is in progress on Ewingville.  
The city ask that::
Leaves be at the street by 7:00 AM
Do not add sticks.
Do not add debri.
Move cars from the area to help city trucks get to the leaves.

Ewingville’s leaf pick up is Wednesdays.

January 30, 2015 ends this service.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Corp Study Update --- 10-14-2014

I inquired to our Corp contact, Amanda Burt, 
about the Corp study of flooding:
Oct. 10, 2014


Have realized that I have not contacted you since August when you sent a letter saying surveyors would be on Ewingville making pictures.

Do you have an update at this time on this project?

Thanks for your help.

Roxie Marston

Ms. Burt replied:
Oct. 14, 2014
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE


We have completed the surveying and stream modeling effort.  We are now running flood risk management measures through the computer model to determine their effectiveness.  We are also determining whether the measures would be economically justified.

Thank you for your continued interest.

Amanda Burt
Project Planning Branch
US Army Corps of Engineers
Nashville District

Phone:  (615) 736-7851

Internet: http://www.lrn.usace.army.mil
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nashvillecorps

October 17, 2014

Thanks, Amanda for the update on the COE study as it affects our street, Ewingville Drive, Franklin, TN. 

Of course, we do not understand how the study will impact us.  Flooding again, as we did in May 2010, is not something Ewingville wants to repeat.  We are sure we are not unlike all those who experienced this.  We are interested in preserving our neighborhood.

We will stay in touch with you. This information will be posted on our Ewingville News Blog at http://ewingvillenews.blogspot.com/

Roxie Marston
129 Ewingville Drdive
Franklin, 37064

Friday, August 22, 2014

Trash Pick-up Info

 This sticker was placed on a garbage can by City Employees:
Do Not Remove Sticker
Put can to edge of street
Point arrow towards street
Do Not  pile yard waste or other
Items around cart.
Do Not place cart near mail box
or other obsstruction.
Please allow 3-5 feet between
rollout cans
Do Not place yard waste in carts.
Carts must be put out to curb by
7 a.m. collection day.

Thank you

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Corp Study..Surveyors in Neighborhood

We have this note from Amanda Burt of the Army Corps of Engineer’s as they study flooding that affected Ewingville.  A very poor Internet has kept me from getting this information out to you sooner.  Roxie

July 27, 2014
Amanda Burt wrote:

“I just wanted to let you know that we are sending some surveyors out to the neighborhood this week.  They will be taking first floor elevations, but should be able to get them with a laser from the street.  These will be used in our flood study to help determine economic damages.”


Amanda Burt
Project Planning Branch
US Army Corps of Engineers
Nashville District

Phone:  (615) 736-7851

Internet: http://www.lrn.usace.army.mil
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nashvillecorps

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Corp Study Update 6-19-14

Below is an E mail from Amanda Burt , Project Planning Branch,
US Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District.

“The project is nearing the first milestone, which is narrowing to a focused array of alternatives to study further.  Once it is determined if any of the alternatives have a federal interest (benefits are greater than cost), we will likely have a public meeting to discuss.”

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Harpeth Bridge Log Jam

Thanks to observant Ewingville neighbors the log jam at the Harpeth River Bridge on Highway 96 has been cleared.

Several weeks ago a couple walking to town noticed the logs in the river at the bridge.  Memories of the 2010 flood for Ewingville surfaced and they began to inquire.

Alderman Ann Petersen was notified.  She in turn wrote to Joe York, with the City overseeing storm drains.

The responsibility for clearing the logs belongs to TDOT.  Mr. York initiated this effort.
The logs have now been moved from the bridge.  Clearly getting involved brought results.