Friday, February 20, 2015

FEMA to reveal flood maps....Corp study

FEMA to hold Open House for Franklin Flood Map Changes

Open House Scheduled for March 3, 4-7pm in City Hall
City Hall
109 Third Avenue South
Franklin, TN  37064

Flood plain maps are changing.
Will you be affected?

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) representatives will be in the City of Franklin on March 3rd, from 4-7 pm in Franklin City Hall to answer questions and inform residents of Franklin flood map changes.

Several FEMA representatives and subject matter experts will be at the open house to help residents.

Attendees will be able to look up property,
get insurance information,
get information on obtaining a letter of map changes,
find information on appeals and comments, and
get information on the engineering study that led to the map changes.

Staff from the US Army Corp of Engineers, the State of Tennessee 
and the City of Franklin will also be available 
at the open house.

Earlier in the month FEMA will schedule a webinar-briefing for Congressional and local elected officials.

For information please contact Shanna McCoy at