Tuesday, April 28, 2015

CORP Study Presented

The Corp of Engineers presented a status report on the study of the Harpeth River Basin and flooding.  The meeting was held at a work session of the BOMA on April 28, 2015 at City Hall.

The study was done on Nashville, Brentwood, and Franklin.  The portion of study relating to Nashville and Brentwood will not be continued based on their decision. 

Franklin will need to renegotiate the study on Franklin where major flood damage was sustained.  The general feeling of the board of mayor and alderman is that they will continue this study.

The study recommends two large culverts on Franklin Road near the bridge.  This will allow the lowering of the flood level to properties including Ewingville Drive.  It is possible that flood insurance would go down.

Also recommended was the possibility that certain homes could be eligible to be raised.  The board recognized the value of improving property values.

Details are not worked out. No decision will be made until the study is complete.  This is likely to be a year.  The Corp study showed that these actions would be very cost effective.  

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Flood study explained, April 28, 2015, 5:00 PM...impact to Ewingville

The long anticipated study of our 2010 flood 
has been completed by the Corp of Engineers.

It is extremely important to attend the April 28, 2010 presentation at 5:00 PM at City Hall.  

There will be a slide show presented with recommendations to the City. Decisions will not be made at this time.  The City will be presented with several options for flood control.

However, it is imperative that Ewingville be informed and ready to speak with  alderman about their choices of recommendations.

Ann Peterson, our alderman at large, has willingly kept this blog mistress informed and has passed on the following information.  You are being forwarded the E mail from Ann Petersen because it has a PDF of the slide show to be presented.

Alderman Ann Petersen has written:
“The 5 o’clock Work Session for Tuesday will have the presentation from the Corps of Engineers study.  As you can see from the PowerPoint, options for alleviating flood damage would be possible.  I think that everybody will want to hear this and learn more about exactly what is being proposed."