Sunday, May 17, 2015

Ewingville Drive and River Walk

River Walk study continues.

The Franklin Board of Mayor and Aldermen, BOMA, met on May 12, 2015 at 5:00 PM for a work session.  The current studies of the River Walk as part of the trail system of Franklin were presented.  BOMA did endorse a multiuse trail 10 – 12 feet wide.

Of concern to Ewingville is the trail that is closest to Ewingville Drive.  This trail would leave Pinkerton Park and go under the Murfreesboro Road Bridge.  At some point there would have to be a bridge built to access the highway side leading to historic sites.

This trail would encroach the Crowell property not only giving access to it but to Ewingville.

There were several in the audience from the subdivisions beyond Ewingville.  Bill Pitts, of Sturbridge spoke to the alderman with concerns of the environmental impact, invasion of privacy and the loss of security and disturbance of the wildlife in the area.

Eric Stuckey, City Administrator, recommended that both sides of the river be included in the study.  The observation of the aldermen was that many did not favor the Ewingville Drive side.

While this study is taking place it will be important for Ewingville to be heard.  Your ideas are welcome at  Subject line: River Walk or similar.

You may access the City of Franklin at

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Walkway Proposal Through Ewingville

The Board of Mayor and Aldermen, BOMA, and City Government officials are entering into a study of a proposed river walk for Franklin again. 

The map below shows two proposed river walkways which will affect us.  One is on the Ewingville side of the river, shown in red and the other is across Lewisburg Pike on the Carton side shown in yellow.

BOMA will pay an engineer to look into all options in the city for this river walk. 

A BOMA work session will be on May 12, 2015 at 5:00 PM in City Hall.  Our alderman, Ann Petersen, has said that generally there is a time for residents to speak to the proposal and or stand to be recognized.  Ewingville neighbors are encouraged to attend this session on May 12, 2015 at 5:00 PM.

Ewingville residents along the river side are not likely to be in favor of a path so close to homes.  Other residents are not likely willing to permit such easy access to homes in the entire neighborhood.
This webmaster has on file printed information back to December of 2002 of meetings with the city and the neightborhood to state opposition to a walkway along the Harpeth going through the Ewingville neighborhood.

Please remember
to attend the BOMA work session
on May 12, 2015 at 5:00 PM
where the proposal for the walkway

through Franklin will be discussed.