Sunday, February 14, 2016

Master Parks Plan Exempts Ewingville

BOMA met on February 9, 2016.  One item on the agenda was the adoption of the Master Parks Plan.  Ewingville already knew that the trail behind us was taken out of the plan.  

With the vote NO trail became reality.  BOMA also took the trail away from Harpeth Meadows off Franklin Road.

The trail goes beside Thompson Alley.  Ann Petersen and Margaret Martin voted to take Thompson Alley out of the Parks Plan. This motion failed.  

The plan calls for a wooden deck along the railroad track between Lewisburg Pike and the Harpeth River.

You may view the video of this meeting at

Locate the meeting in the video at 48:00.

Now is the time to thank
the Board of Mayor and Aldermen.
Click on the address to write:

Ald. Ann Petersen

Ald. Beverly Burger

Ald. Brandy Blanton

Ald. Dana McLendon

Ald. Margaret Martin

Ald. Michael Skinner

Ald. Pearl Bransford

Vice Mayor Clyde Barnhill

Dr. Ken Moore

Friday, February 5, 2016

Master Parks Plan Vote 2-9-2016

From Alderman Ann Petersen

February 5, 2016

The vote by Aldermen will be held at the 7PM meeting on this Tuesday, Feb. 9.  It is item # 16 on the agenda. 

The earlier items are public hearings which may or may not take much time. 

Please let everyone know that the resolution needs only a one-time vote to pass. 

I continue to review the document.  Please let others know about the meeting.  Thank you.


Editorial Comment:
Ewingville's trail along the river has been removed from this Master Parks Plan to be voted on …Feb. 9, 2016.  

There remains a possible inclusion of Harpeth Meadows with a bridge to be built in this subdivision.  

Ewingville must remain viligant.  Aldermen Bev Burger and Mike Skinner did not vote to remove Ewingville from the Master Parks Plan.

Your presence at this February 9, 2016 meeting is important.
                       …..Roxie Marston, Ewingville News Blog editor