Saturday, October 29, 2016

Bridge Debris Threat to Ewingville Drive

A Ewingville neighbor took these pictures of the the bridge over the Harpeth River on Murfreesboro Road on October 29, 2016.  One half of the opening under the bridge is obstructed with debris.

Pictures made from the bridge.  Click on any picture to enlarge.
Several months ago this was called to the attention of our Alderman at Large Anne Petersen.  She stated that she would notify Storm Drains… Joe York.  For some time there has been one piece of equipment on the bank.  Removing the debris is the responsibility of TDOT!  It may be initiated by the city.

Please see the contact information for you to use.  While there has been little October rain the usual weather pattern always puts lots of water on this area.
Memories of the flood of 2010 remain strong with Ewingville. Please help us all by bringing this matter to the attention of City of Franklin, Storm Drains.

Storm Drains
Joe York  615-794-3254
Steve Grubs   615-550-6887