Saturday, September 7, 2013

Alert: 9-7-2013 Suspicious Activity

September 7, 2013 Becky Coyle, 105 Ewingville, observed a suspicious person coming from the house next door to her.  A male was assumedly delivering coupons for Baskin Robins according to what he told her. 

Becky called Baskin Robins corporate and learned that they were not distributing coupons on Ewingville Drive.  The person then went to Blue Grass.

Becky did call Franklin City Police to drive the street but it took them a long time to respond.

Ewingville now has had a second reason to become very observant to neighborhood activity. 

You should call the Franklin City Police if suspicious of any unusual presence.  You should call folks on this street.
To report a life-threatening emergency or crime in progress, dial 911.
For non-emergency police assistance,   call (615) 794-2513
 A phone contact list will be generated to be shared in E mail to residents.  If you wish to be in this contact list for the street please E mail your phone # to:   This comes to Roxie Marston 129 Ewingville.  The list of phone numbers will not be posted on our Ewingville News Blog.