Tuesday, December 29, 2015

January 2016 Possible Parks Plan Vote

BOMA, Board of Mayor and Alderman
Meetings scheduled 

January 12 and January 26, 2016

No agenda posted for either.

Work sessions at 5:00 PM.
BOMA Meeting at 7:00
City Hall.

BOMA Calendar, Agendas
click to check agendas

Proposed vote
on the Franklin Master Park Plan

 January 2016.

There is still a need to contact BOMA about the proposed trail behind Ewingville.  BOMA makes the decision!!  See TAB for contact info.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Road vs Trail

Clarification of “trail” from Ralston Lane

change for Thursday meeting
12/16/2015 3:55:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Reply To:


I had a call from Paul Holzen, Engineering, who said that the extension of Ralston Lane on the Comprehensive Transportation Plan is a street, not a trail.  The city proposes to ask for a street, sidewalk/biking, and a bridge to connect to Lewisburg Pike if the Green property comes up for development.     Ann

To interpret……Transportation plans to extend Ralston Lane across Highway 96 through the John Green property with a street, side walks and bike trail.  The plans are to cross the river to Lewisburg Pike.  This depends on the eventual sale of the Green property.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Alerting E mail

Very Important E mail

from Ann Petersen About Thursday, Dec.17 meeting.

From: Ann Petersen

Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2015 1:52 PM

To: 'annpetersen@comcast.net'

Subject: joint Aldermen/Planning Commission Thursday

“Today I received documents for item #3 for the 5:00 joint meeting on Thursday. 

The Comprehensive Transportation Plan has a Draft map showing a Proposed Bike Pedestrian Plan with an “extension” of Ralston Lane on the John Green property directly to the east of Charlton Green. 

The time allotted is 5:30-6:30 and the Transportation Plan has many other parts to it, including transit and cross section examples for roads.

I wanted to let you know that this is the origin of the proposed trail adjoining Charlton Green.  

Please pass on to others who would be interested.  Thank you.


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Dangerous Parking on Ewingville Drive

"Dickens" brought unwelcome parking on Ewingville Drive on December 12, 2015.

A neighbor reported this situation to police.  The neighbor was told that without “no parking” signs the police could not ticket.

It would have been impossible for

emergency services to get 

to the Ewingville residents.

Our alderman-at-large, Ann Petersen has been informed.  She will discuss this situation this week with Eric Stuckey, City Administrator.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

FEMA Link; How to help!

Shanna McCoy, Franklin flood control, says this link below details what can be  developed in the floodplain-floodway. 

The permitted uses can be found in the City of Franklin Zoning Ordinance in Chapter 3.4.4 Floodway and 3.4.5 Floodplain. 

The  Zoning Ordinance can be accessed  from this link; http://www.franklintn.gov/home/showdocument?id=22062 .  

This ordinance is a PDF and will not copy and paste to this news blog.

The hatched line designates floodway, the dark gray is 100 year floodplain and the lighter gray is 500 year floodplain.

Amy Miller is with State of Tennessee Economic Development.  She is in charge of Flood Monitoring for the state of Tennessee.  The proposed paved greenway/trail with lights is legal and acceptable within a flood plain.  The addition of bathrooms and parking lots are also acceptable.

Shanna McCoy states, “parks, trails, open space are approved and appropriate uses for areas of floodplain.  As this area is further down the road in the Parks Department’s Master Plan, it may be several years before you see any progress.  However, be assured that when/if the plan moves forward, all State and Federal regulations will be met and followed.”

It has been learned that trees may not be taken down to build the trail. 

The observation is that the trail behind Ewingville will be closer to homes.  Amy Miller also stated walkway with lights and bathrooms are allowed in a flood plain.  She also stated no trees are allowed to be removed.

It is imperative that our letters and calls arrive to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, BOMA, before their December 8, 2015 work session meeting.  These are the deciders of the trail and the placement behind Ewingville.

You might state that Ewingville does not object to trails or connectivity of parks.  Placement of the walking trail through Ewingville is the concern.  We are not oppossing a public utility but are opposed to a non-essential that compromises the quality of life on Ewingville.

All of the concerns of invasion of privacy, safety and security are now the only appeal we seem to have. 

Please write or call the BOMA members.  Take nothing for granted.

If you have written or called, do it again. Voting by BOMA will likely be in January of 2016.

Strongly suggest that the trail be placed along Lewisburg Pike.  Along Lewisburg none of the concerns we have will be a factor. 

To write or call BOMA members 
see the TAB at the top of our blog:  BOMA contact info.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Parks Plan and Ewingville Drive

The Master Parks Plan was presented to BOMA and the public on November 5, 2015 in the Training Room of City Hall.  

The crowd size was an estimated 200.  Folks came from Ewingville, Sturbridge, Yorktown, and Harpeth Meadows to register the opposition to the trail on our side of the river.  There were a few supporters who wanted the trail for their own biking and running.

The parks planners briefly presented an overview of the entire parks plan.  The majority of the two hours concerned trail placement.  There was much audience participation with anyone who wished speaking at least once.  This was not a time for BOMA decision.  

The vast majority of those speaking voiced concerns of privacy, loss of property value, policing and the impact on the environment and wildlife.

No one was totally against the entire trail system.  Stated was that the study was done considering the trail user and not the property owners.

Questioned by two in attendance.... if the study had begun by contacting FEMA concerning flood restrictions on this property.  The company designing the plan had NOT contacted FEMA.

The final vote will likely be in January 2016. 

A BOMA work session will be on December 8, 2015 at 5:00 PM.  This is generally a time when the public speaks little.   

Come to listen and then recontact BOMA with concerns or appreciation for their position to remove Ewingville.  Getting Ewingville removed benefits all subdivisions up the road.

It should be noted that the Ewingville side of the trail was first taken out of the plan and put back in.  The trail is on both sides of the river currently.

Several BOMA members were in attendance.  The decision of the trails is solely with BOMA.

Meanwhile our proactive plan is to contact each BOMA member.  They will likely take a vote on the trails and parks plan in January 2016.  So, making a contact before January is imperative.

Please see the TAB at the top of this blog for BOMA names and contact information.  How you contact is your decision….but..contact!   Maybe you have once contacted…it is time to do it again.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

November 5, 2015 Master Parks Plan Revealed

Walking Trail….Straight Talk

Parks and Recreation‘s hired consultants will present the Master Park Plan on Thursday, November 5, 2015 in the City Hall Training Room from 6:00 – 8:00 PM.  After the presentation it is understood that the public will be able to speak.

The Master Plan was revised on October 26, 2015.  The trail was first interpreted as being removed from the Ewingville side, however it is still referenced in the plan.  Note pages  23, and maps on pages 25, 30 and 116 of the plan at http://www.franklintn.gov/home/showdocument?id=22642.

The changes remove priorities and state that trail routes are conceptual and subject to revision based on stakeholder's future input. 

To be noted is that our neighbors in Harpeth Meadows are still contending with the trail by their homes. 

Please make your plans to attend this meeting.  .  Based on a better interpretation of the Master Plan it is extremely important  that residents show up for this meeting on Nov. 5, 2015…6:00 – 8:00 PM in the City Hall Training Room.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Invitations----Candidates for BOMA

You are invited

to these meetings

with the BOMA Candidates:

Monday, Oct. 5, 5 pm – 8 pm, Mayor Ken Moore is hosting a Pre-election Celebration at Puckett’s downtown.  All of the BOMA candidates will meet and talk with anybody who wishes to drop by.

Tuesday, Oct. 6, 6 pm there is a forum at City Hall Candidates will speak and answer questions from Franklin Home Page.  This is the first chance to hear candidates talk.

Thursday, Oct. 15, 5:30 pm, forum at City Hall sponsored by the Tennessean newspaper and Williamson Chamber of Commerce.  This is the second chance to hear candidates talk.  Meet the candidates at 5:30 before they begin questions.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Sept. 8, 2015 Walkway on Agenda, BOMA. 5:00 PM, City Hall, Meeting Room

 Walkway Master Plan To
Request Additional Funds.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015, at 5:00 PM the company preparing the master park plan, which includes the walkway-river walk through Ewingville Dr., will make a presentation. 

They will request $10, 700 not covered in the original contract to complete their research. Their final step is a walk through “the first greenway section along the Harpeth” likely in August-September.

The contract with the consulting company ends September 30, 2015.

There will be no opportunity for comments.  This item is #9 on the Work Agenda at 5:00 PM.  The agenda includes a likely lengthy discussion of #7 on housing.   

Alderman at Large Ann Peterson continues to keep us informed.  She formerly lived on Ewingville.

It is felt that a presence of those opposed
would make a statement at this meeting. 

It will say that we are watching! 

This webmistress is suggesting wearing a red shirt 
to show the numbers opposed.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Walkway WSMV coverage

The August 17, 2015 BOMA (Board of Mayor and Aldermen) drew a large crowd concerned about the proposed first draft of the Parks and Rec plan for a Walkway/River Walk in Franklin.  The proposed draft affects many neighborhoods.

The evening was videoed and put on air at WSMV, channel 4, at 10:00 PM.   See this link:

A second meeting is to be scheduled in September.  At this time this webmistress cannot locate this date.  You will be notified of this meeting as soon as information becomes available.

Please scroll down to August 12, 2015 for a list of aldermen with E mail addresses.  You are encouraged to contact these public servants.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Walk Study Recommends Ewingville Side of River!

 August 18, 2015 6:00 PM at City Hall the proposed walkway-river walk study will be presented to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen.    The study has been sent to you from Trent Golden, 106 Ewingville.   golden1864@yahoo.com 

The proposed walkway is on the Ewingville side of the river.  It proposes to have a trailhead on one of the 4 city owned FEMA lots.

The consequences to our neighborhood need your attention.  This brings into our street many unknown cars, increases foot traffic in our neighborhood and increases our vulnerability.

You may access the City of Franklin at http://www.franklin-gov.com/home

You can do two things:
Attend this August 18, 6:00 PM meeting at City Hall.
Contact our aldermen to express your concerns:

 Person Name
Start Date
End Date
Ald. Ann Petersen

Ald. Beverly Burger

Ald. Brandy Blanton

Ald. Dana McLendon

Ald. Margaret Martin

Ald. Michael Skinner

Ald. Pearl Bransford

Dr. Ken Moore

Vice Mayor
 Clyde Barnhill


Sunday, May 17, 2015

Ewingville Drive and River Walk

River Walk study continues.

The Franklin Board of Mayor and Aldermen, BOMA, met on May 12, 2015 at 5:00 PM for a work session.  The current studies of the River Walk as part of the trail system of Franklin were presented.  BOMA did endorse a multiuse trail 10 – 12 feet wide.

Of concern to Ewingville is the trail that is closest to Ewingville Drive.  This trail would leave Pinkerton Park and go under the Murfreesboro Road Bridge.  At some point there would have to be a bridge built to access the highway side leading to historic sites.

This trail would encroach the Crowell property not only giving access to it but to Ewingville.

There were several in the audience from the subdivisions beyond Ewingville.  Bill Pitts, of Sturbridge spoke to the alderman with concerns of the environmental impact, invasion of privacy and the loss of security and disturbance of the wildlife in the area.

Eric Stuckey, City Administrator, recommended that both sides of the river be included in the study.  The observation of the aldermen was that many did not favor the Ewingville Drive side.

While this study is taking place it will be important for Ewingville to be heard.  Your ideas are welcome at MarsCreate@aol.com.  Subject line: River Walk or similar.

You may access the City of Franklin at http://www.franklin-gov.com/home

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Walkway Proposal Through Ewingville

The Board of Mayor and Aldermen, BOMA, and City Government officials are entering into a study of a proposed river walk for Franklin again. 

The map below shows two proposed river walkways which will affect us.  One is on the Ewingville side of the river, shown in red and the other is across Lewisburg Pike on the Carton side shown in yellow.

BOMA will pay an engineer to look into all options in the city for this river walk. 

A BOMA work session will be on May 12, 2015 at 5:00 PM in City Hall.  Our alderman, Ann Petersen, has said that generally there is a time for residents to speak to the proposal and or stand to be recognized.  Ewingville neighbors are encouraged to attend this session on May 12, 2015 at 5:00 PM.

Ewingville residents along the river side are not likely to be in favor of a path so close to homes.  Other residents are not likely willing to permit such easy access to homes in the entire neighborhood.
This webmaster has on file printed information back to December of 2002 of meetings with the city and the neightborhood to state opposition to a walkway along the Harpeth going through the Ewingville neighborhood.

Please remember
to attend the BOMA work session
on May 12, 2015 at 5:00 PM
where the proposal for the walkway

through Franklin will be discussed.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

CORP Study Presented

The Corp of Engineers presented a status report on the study of the Harpeth River Basin and flooding.  The meeting was held at a work session of the BOMA on April 28, 2015 at City Hall.

The study was done on Nashville, Brentwood, and Franklin.  The portion of study relating to Nashville and Brentwood will not be continued based on their decision. 

Franklin will need to renegotiate the study on Franklin where major flood damage was sustained.  The general feeling of the board of mayor and alderman is that they will continue this study.

The study recommends two large culverts on Franklin Road near the bridge.  This will allow the lowering of the flood level to properties including Ewingville Drive.  It is possible that flood insurance would go down.

Also recommended was the possibility that certain homes could be eligible to be raised.  The board recognized the value of improving property values.

Details are not worked out. No decision will be made until the study is complete.  This is likely to be a year.  The Corp study showed that these actions would be very cost effective.  

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Flood study explained, April 28, 2015, 5:00 PM...impact to Ewingville

The long anticipated study of our 2010 flood 
has been completed by the Corp of Engineers.

It is extremely important to attend the April 28, 2010 presentation at 5:00 PM at City Hall.  

There will be a slide show presented with recommendations to the City. Decisions will not be made at this time.  The City will be presented with several options for flood control.

However, it is imperative that Ewingville be informed and ready to speak with  alderman about their choices of recommendations.

Ann Peterson, our alderman at large, has willingly kept this blog mistress informed and has passed on the following information.  You are being forwarded the E mail from Ann Petersen because it has a PDF of the slide show to be presented.

Alderman Ann Petersen has written:
“The 5 o’clock Work Session for Tuesday will have the presentation from the Corps of Engineers study.  As you can see from the PowerPoint, options for alleviating flood damage would be possible.  I think that everybody will want to hear this and learn more about exactly what is being proposed."

Friday, February 20, 2015

FEMA to reveal flood maps....Corp study

FEMA to hold Open House for Franklin Flood Map Changes

Open House Scheduled for March 3, 4-7pm in City Hall
City Hall
109 Third Avenue South
Franklin, TN  37064

Flood plain maps are changing.
Will you be affected?

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) representatives will be in the City of Franklin on March 3rd, from 4-7 pm in Franklin City Hall to answer questions and inform residents of Franklin flood map changes.

Several FEMA representatives and subject matter experts will be at the open house to help residents.

Attendees will be able to look up property,
get insurance information,
get information on obtaining a letter of map changes,
find information on appeals and comments, and
get information on the engineering study that led to the map changes.

Staff from the US Army Corp of Engineers, the State of Tennessee 
and the City of Franklin will also be available 
at the open house.

Earlier in the month FEMA will schedule a webinar-briefing for Congressional and local elected officials.

For information please contact Shanna McCoy at shanna.mccoy@franklintn.gov.