Very Important E mail
from Ann Petersen About Thursday,
Dec.17 meeting.
From: Ann Petersen
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2015
1:52 PM
To: ''
Subject: joint Aldermen/Planning Commission Thursday
“Today I received
documents for item #3 for the 5:00 joint meeting on Thursday.
The Comprehensive
Transportation Plan has a Draft map showing a Proposed Bike Pedestrian Plan
with an “extension” of Ralston Lane on the John Green property directly to the
east of Charlton Green.
The time allotted is
5:30-6:30 and the Transportation Plan has many other parts to it, including
transit and cross section examples for roads.
I wanted to let you know
that this is the origin of the proposed trail adjoining Charlton Green.
Please pass on to others
who would be interested. Thank you.