Tuesday, December 29, 2015

January 2016 Possible Parks Plan Vote

BOMA, Board of Mayor and Alderman
Meetings scheduled 

January 12 and January 26, 2016

No agenda posted for either.

Work sessions at 5:00 PM.
BOMA Meeting at 7:00
City Hall.

BOMA Calendar, Agendas
click to check agendas

Proposed vote
on the Franklin Master Park Plan

 January 2016.

There is still a need to contact BOMA about the proposed trail behind Ewingville.  BOMA makes the decision!!  See TAB for contact info.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Road vs Trail

Clarification of “trail” from Ralston Lane

change for Thursday meeting
12/16/2015 3:55:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Reply To:


I had a call from Paul Holzen, Engineering, who said that the extension of Ralston Lane on the Comprehensive Transportation Plan is a street, not a trail.  The city proposes to ask for a street, sidewalk/biking, and a bridge to connect to Lewisburg Pike if the Green property comes up for development.     Ann

To interpret……Transportation plans to extend Ralston Lane across Highway 96 through the John Green property with a street, side walks and bike trail.  The plans are to cross the river to Lewisburg Pike.  This depends on the eventual sale of the Green property.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Alerting E mail

Very Important E mail

from Ann Petersen About Thursday, Dec.17 meeting.

From: Ann Petersen

Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2015 1:52 PM

To: 'annpetersen@comcast.net'

Subject: joint Aldermen/Planning Commission Thursday

“Today I received documents for item #3 for the 5:00 joint meeting on Thursday. 

The Comprehensive Transportation Plan has a Draft map showing a Proposed Bike Pedestrian Plan with an “extension” of Ralston Lane on the John Green property directly to the east of Charlton Green. 

The time allotted is 5:30-6:30 and the Transportation Plan has many other parts to it, including transit and cross section examples for roads.

I wanted to let you know that this is the origin of the proposed trail adjoining Charlton Green.  

Please pass on to others who would be interested.  Thank you.


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Dangerous Parking on Ewingville Drive

"Dickens" brought unwelcome parking on Ewingville Drive on December 12, 2015.

A neighbor reported this situation to police.  The neighbor was told that without “no parking” signs the police could not ticket.

It would have been impossible for

emergency services to get 

to the Ewingville residents.

Our alderman-at-large, Ann Petersen has been informed.  She will discuss this situation this week with Eric Stuckey, City Administrator.