Monday, September 5, 2016

Speed on Ewingville..consequences!

The Ewingville Drive deer population was struck on September 5, 2016.  

This small fawn, still with white spots, was brutally struck and killed in front of 114 Ewingville.  It was hit so hard that the body was ripped open.
The senseless speeding vehicle likely hit between 10:00 PM on September 4 and 6:30 AM on September 5 when discovered by a walker.  A possible suspect is a local, daily delivery.
The police non-emergency # ( 615-794-2513) was called. The police said it was a holiday and no one was working.  The deer was in the middle of the street and this was stated.  A police car was dispatched and two hours later the deer remained in the street.  Calling again determined that they had come and found nothing!  Since a neighbor was standing there at the site the police were told this.  Apparently the solution was to drag the deer to the right away.  

Buzzards appeared in droves.  Several hours later only the skeleton, head and skin remained in the ditch.

Posted speed limit on Ewingville Drive is 25 mph.  
Anyone with information of this speeder 
may contact this blog editor: 

Roxie, or 615-604-3700.