Thursday, July 9, 2020


July 9, 2020
Blue Bin Recycling returns July 13, 2020
No longer use the Blue Bin for trash!
Clean bins out before recycle use.

And specifically see this announcement at:

Blue Bin is Back! Operations start July 13th 2020
Clean items only: tin cans, tinfoil, aluminum and steel cans, cereal boxes
paper towel rolls, newspapers, inserts, cardboard flattened, plastic # 1 and #2 bottles and containers.

No blue bags!  Do not put any bags on the street.  Cardboard will not be picked up from the street.

 Buck-A-Bag is making a comeback.
            Obtain a sticker from City Hall or from Sanitation on Century Court to put on the bag to get curbside pick up.

Updated BOPAE Batteries, Oil, Paint, Antifreeze,  Electronics
Take items  to  Williamson Recycling at 420 Century Drive.
Hours are Monday through Thursday from 6:00 AM – 4:00 PM; 
1st Saturdays from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM.