Saturday, October 29, 2016

Bridge Debris Threat to Ewingville Drive

A Ewingville neighbor took these pictures of the the bridge over the Harpeth River on Murfreesboro Road on October 29, 2016.  One half of the opening under the bridge is obstructed with debris.

Pictures made from the bridge.  Click on any picture to enlarge.
Several months ago this was called to the attention of our Alderman at Large Anne Petersen.  She stated that she would notify Storm Drains… Joe York.  For some time there has been one piece of equipment on the bank.  Removing the debris is the responsibility of TDOT!  It may be initiated by the city.

Please see the contact information for you to use.  While there has been little October rain the usual weather pattern always puts lots of water on this area.
Memories of the flood of 2010 remain strong with Ewingville. Please help us all by bringing this matter to the attention of City of Franklin, Storm Drains.

Storm Drains
Joe York  615-794-3254
Steve Grubs   615-550-6887

Monday, September 5, 2016

Speed on Ewingville..consequences!

The Ewingville Drive deer population was struck on September 5, 2016.  

This small fawn, still with white spots, was brutally struck and killed in front of 114 Ewingville.  It was hit so hard that the body was ripped open.
The senseless speeding vehicle likely hit between 10:00 PM on September 4 and 6:30 AM on September 5 when discovered by a walker.  A possible suspect is a local, daily delivery.
The police non-emergency # ( 615-794-2513) was called. The police said it was a holiday and no one was working.  The deer was in the middle of the street and this was stated.  A police car was dispatched and two hours later the deer remained in the street.  Calling again determined that they had come and found nothing!  Since a neighbor was standing there at the site the police were told this.  Apparently the solution was to drag the deer to the right away.  

Buzzards appeared in droves.  Several hours later only the skeleton, head and skin remained in the ditch.

Posted speed limit on Ewingville Drive is 25 mph.  
Anyone with information of this speeder 
may contact this blog editor: 

Roxie, or 615-604-3700.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Tree is GONE!

How the tree went!

On June 23, 2016 Hall Tree Service arrived with a pick-up truck and a flatbed trailer.  It was reported that after many trips away by the end of the day Ewingville had been returned to being our street.

The City did not come to remove the tree.
We need to thank Charles and Janice Brush for writing the letter that started the removal process.  We also learned that Wade Savage had called the City.

Let no one doubt that

Ewingville watches out for the neighborhood.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Tree Removal Update

Tree Removal Update
Anne Petersen, Alderman wrote 6-23-2016
at 9:57 PM:

“I just got the news that the city will pick up after a payment.” 

The city communicated to Ann:
“As soon as we receive his payment, we will complete the service. If we don’t receive payment before 3:30 p.m. tomorrow, we will collect this brush on Monday, June 27, 2016.”

The City contacted Mr. Hall on 6-23-16 and explained his requirements and consequences.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Hall Tree Service Abandonded Brush on Ewingville.

Following is a letter to Ewingville and  City Officials about the abandoned cut trees across from 142.  There are phone numbers for you to contact to draw attention to this concern.

Charles and Janice Brush, 138 Ewingville, are our newest homeowners.

June 23, 2016

Good morning, 
There is an issue in the neighborhood and we need advice.

 I know you have seen the big pile of our neighbor's tree that was cut down and left on the roadside.  Our neighbors rent the house and had nothing to do with the removal of the tree, the owners did that.

 The tree cutter, DARYL HALL (615.390.0973), told Charlie he had made arrangements with the city to remove the dead tree. After two weeks of the dead tree being on the side of the road we found out Mr. Hall lied to us about it. Basically, he just dumped his trash in our neighborhood and left.

We have called the Sanitation Dept, Brush Removal Dept, Mayor's office, City Manager's Office, and we even put a call in to the police department to file a complaint (the have not bothered to call us back as of yet). Everyone we have spoken to can cite the code and tell us what Mr. Hall did was not legal but no one seems to want to enforce the code (it's not like they can't contact him as we have his card and have given everyone his number).

 Not only is this unsightly but it is becoming a health issue as we've seen critters coming out of it.

Yesterday we even called Ann Peterson and she can't authorize the removal but said she would try and talk with someone. The city keeps saying someone has to pay for the removal, either Mr. Hall or the homeowner. That's fine and good, but the city apparently isn't willing to enforce this. I did call Mr. Hall and he told me where to go and he was not removing anything.

 We all pay enough taxes that our city government should be able to enforce their own codes. I hope Mr. Hall doesn't decide to use our neighborhood as his personal dumping ground because he can apparently do this without consequences.

 If anyone is interested in calling Mr. Hall, I've provided his number and the bush removal supervisor is Wayne Sullivan at 615.794.2516. If you know of anyone else I can contact, please let me know. I have no idea who owns the house where the tree came from.
Janice Brush

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Walking Trails Update

FYI….A trail system in Franklin is still on the front burner!  Mindy Tate, Franklin Tomorrow, was on WAKM radio on May 18, 2016 stating this commitment for Franklin.   

A trail system through Franklin is commendable. However, neighborhoods along the Harpeth must continue to be vigilant as to the placement of any future trail that would run along the Harpeth River thus putting Ewingville and adjacent neighborhoods at risk.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Master Parks Plan Exempts Ewingville

BOMA met on February 9, 2016.  One item on the agenda was the adoption of the Master Parks Plan.  Ewingville already knew that the trail behind us was taken out of the plan.  

With the vote NO trail became reality.  BOMA also took the trail away from Harpeth Meadows off Franklin Road.

The trail goes beside Thompson Alley.  Ann Petersen and Margaret Martin voted to take Thompson Alley out of the Parks Plan. This motion failed.  

The plan calls for a wooden deck along the railroad track between Lewisburg Pike and the Harpeth River.

You may view the video of this meeting at

Locate the meeting in the video at 48:00.

Now is the time to thank
the Board of Mayor and Aldermen.
Click on the address to write:

Ald. Ann Petersen

Ald. Beverly Burger

Ald. Brandy Blanton

Ald. Dana McLendon

Ald. Margaret Martin

Ald. Michael Skinner

Ald. Pearl Bransford

Vice Mayor Clyde Barnhill

Dr. Ken Moore

Friday, February 5, 2016

Master Parks Plan Vote 2-9-2016

From Alderman Ann Petersen

February 5, 2016

The vote by Aldermen will be held at the 7PM meeting on this Tuesday, Feb. 9.  It is item # 16 on the agenda. 

The earlier items are public hearings which may or may not take much time. 

Please let everyone know that the resolution needs only a one-time vote to pass. 

I continue to review the document.  Please let others know about the meeting.  Thank you.


Editorial Comment:
Ewingville's trail along the river has been removed from this Master Parks Plan to be voted on …Feb. 9, 2016.  

There remains a possible inclusion of Harpeth Meadows with a bridge to be built in this subdivision.  

Ewingville must remain viligant.  Aldermen Bev Burger and Mike Skinner did not vote to remove Ewingville from the Master Parks Plan.

Your presence at this February 9, 2016 meeting is important.
                       …..Roxie Marston, Ewingville News Blog editor

Friday, January 22, 2016

Master Parks Plan Final Review

BOMA to Review the Parks Plan
January 26, 2016  5:00 PM  
Work Session.
This will be the final public input.

Voting on February 9, 2016

Be aware of several things:
The Trail behind Ewingville or as stated on the Eastern Side of the River, has been removed from the plan.  Also gone is the trail through Harpeth Meadows. 

Voting to remove us from the plan were Aldermen Dana McClendon, Ann Petersen, Margaret Martin, Clyde Barnhill, Brandy Blanton and Pearl Bransford.

Bev Burger and Mike Skinner spoke against removing the trail

Until BOMA takes a vote in February for a trail system that eliminates these two sections they can be put back into the Master Plan by a simple vote.

There is a coalition of pro trail groups planning to persuade BOMA to keep the plan in tack.  They will be at the January 26, 2016 meeting.  This could persuade BOMA to put us back into the Master Plan.  For this reason we need to be at the Work Session, 5:00 PM, on January 26, 2016.

After our removal from the Master Parks Plan becomes official in February the Aldermen who stood for us need to hear a thank-you from us!  You will find their contact information at the top of this home page:  BOMA Contact Info.  

Our view must be larger now.  An appeal has been made by Jon Puncochar of Pebble Glen Hickory Ridge to abide by the total park system planning since 2011 of smaller groups driven for the cause of a Master Parks Plan. 

While we are breathing a sign of relief we cannot let our breath go and rest.  We will have to watch what could occur behind Ewingville.

Enjoy your efforts now.  This blog will attempt to keep you informed.

Sign up for E mail notices of work sessions and BOMA meetings:

Access to the City of Franklin at

Review the Master Park Plan:

Monday, January 11, 2016

Ewingville Trail -- Harpeth Meadow Trails to be REMOVED

From Eric Stuckey email

to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen dated 1/9/16

Parks Master Plan –
January 26th BOMA worksession.

“We plan to have the Park Master Plan back before the Board for discussion at the January 26 worksession.  

The plan is going through a final review now.

Based on Board feedback, we will be removing two trail segments from the plan:  the Lancaster Drive connection and the trail along eastern bank of the Harpeth River.

We will work to communicate that this item is on the agenda to interested citizens.”
From this blog editor: 
After the vote on the trails as written above our next communications to BOMA can be “thank you!”