Following is a letter to Ewingville and City Officials about the abandoned cut trees across from 142. There are phone numbers for you to contact to draw attention to this
Charles and Janice Brush, 138 Ewingville, are our newest
June 23, 2016
Good morning,
There is an issue in the neighborhood and we need advice.
I know you have seen the
big pile of our neighbor's tree that was cut down and left on the roadside.
Our neighbors rent the house and had nothing to do with the removal of
the tree, the owners did that.
The tree cutter, DARYL HALL (615.390.0973), told Charlie he had
made arrangements with the city to remove the dead tree. After two weeks of the
dead tree being on the side of the road we found out Mr. Hall lied to us about
it. Basically, he just dumped his trash in our neighborhood and left.
We have called the Sanitation Dept, Brush Removal Dept, Mayor's
office, City Manager's Office, and we even put a call in to the police
department to file a complaint (the have not bothered to call us back as of
yet). Everyone we have spoken to can cite the code and tell us what Mr. Hall
did was not legal but no one seems to want to enforce the code (it's not like
they can't contact him as we have his card and have given everyone his number).
Not only is this unsightly but it is becoming a health issue as
we've seen critters coming out of it.
Yesterday we even called Ann Peterson and she can't authorize the
removal but said she would try and talk with someone. The city keeps saying
someone has to pay for the removal, either Mr. Hall or the homeowner. That's
fine and good, but the city apparently isn't willing to enforce this. I did
call Mr. Hall and he told me where to go and he was not removing anything.
We all pay enough taxes that our city government should be able to
enforce their own codes. I hope Mr. Hall doesn't decide to use our neighborhood
as his personal dumping ground because he can apparently do this without
If anyone is interested in
calling Mr. Hall, I've provided his number and the bush removal supervisor is
Wayne Sullivan at 615.794.2516. If you know of anyone else I can contact,
please let me know. I have no idea who owns the house where the tree came from.
Janice Brush